









    “Babe, you are so thoughtful.”尹书荷一直都对他体贴入微,从不会和他无理取闹,对于他的工作更是不遗余力地支持。饶是段艺泽已经和尹书荷在一起将近一年,最初时候他甚至怀疑尹书荷是不是不够在乎他所以才会在面对工作的时候这样理智冷静,直到现在他才深深理解,拥有这样一个清醒自持情绪稳定的女朋友是他莫大的幸运。


    Andre: How’s it going, bro? I heard you’ve been in LA for a time.

    Max: This week have been great, but the last one was a bit tough. How are you guys doing?

    Andre: As usual, prepping for the next stage, and rehearsal every day.

    Nicky: What have you been doing recently, Max?

    Max: Me? I’m preparing for my second world tour, and focusing on Maxwell Tuan as well.

    Andre: Oh wow! So there is a second world tour. Is this a formal announcement?

    Max: Hahaha…Of course! I never say this publicly, but yes, there would be a second world tour starting early next year. I’m prepping for the new album right now.

    Nicky: I guess I’m gonna dive deeper. Last time when you came here, you mentioned that you felt lonely sometimes, and people around you didn’t really get your point deep in your heart. how do you feel now?

    Max: Oh, it’s getting much better. I tried my best to communicate, with my friends, with my family, and with people surrounded me. They probably didn’t get my point in the beginning, but just speaking out made me feel so much better. Also I found it a common situation to be alone or feel lonely in this society, and what you need to do is to accept the fact and try to reconcile with yourself. How do you deal with that, Nicky? Cause I know that you’ve been living by yourself for years. Is there any moment that you feel lonely and feel like to find someone to join your life?

    Nicky: I think what you said, reconcile with yourself, this is very important. I live alone, doesn’t mean that I am alone in this society. I have friends and I hang out with them very often, it’s just in my home, I’m by myself. But in the meantime, I enjoy spending time with myself, I do whatever I want when I’m alone. You see, I’m thirty-five now and I have relationships before, but this just doesn’t work well for me. During all these years, I found myself quite comfortable being alone.

    Max: How about you, Andre? You are the opposite. You’ve been with Marina for so many years. How do you feel about having a relationship?

    Andre: Are we going into a topic of relationships and affections now?

    Max: Well, I feel people needs to know. If we can talk about this off camera, we should be able to talk in front of our audience as well.

    Nicky: Absolutely.

    Andre: Well, I don’t usually feel lonely. As you said, I’ve been with Marina for so many years, and we know each other so much. But there are always pros and cons to be in a relationship. You probably feel lonely being single, but you get more freedom. When you have a relationship with someone, everything becomes together, between you and her. You have to complement each other to become a couple, you have to take care of her, you have to be responsible for her, you have to think of her when you make every single decisions, cause your life is not just your own life now. Many of the times, they are challenge, but in the meantime, also beautiful.

    Nicky: And you, Max? You said that you want to get married before thirty-five. Is this still one of your aims now?

    Max: Of course, I hope so. You know, I always wanna see my kids longer and I really hope to become their best friend.

    Andre: How many kids do you want? Have you ever thought about that?

    Max: At least two, maybe three. Well, I don’t know, it depends on my other half, we haven’t really talked about this.

    Nicky: What does that mean, Max?!

    Max: It means what it means.

    Andre: Oh wow! Max, what a surprise?! Finally, Max met his Venus!

    Max: Hahahaha…Yes.

    Nicky: Max! This is a really big surprise! When is that? Can we talk about that?

    Max: Absolutely. It’s been a year since I first met her, she’s so lovely and thoughtful.

    Nicky: That’s why you don’t feel lonely anymore.

    Max: Perhaps. I always feel relieved when I spend time with her.

    Andre: What is she doing? Is she also in this industry? I’m asking because, you know, it’s never easy for a couple in this industry.

    Max: Nope, she’s from a totally different area. She’s a scientist.

    Andre: Oh wow! That’s out of my expectations again! Max, I’m getting too many surprises today! But how do you feel now, to have a relationship?

    Max: As you said, it’s never easy to have a relationship when you are in this industry. To me, the most difficult thing is not about the comments from media and supporters, it’s more between me and her. Being in this industry, I have to travel around the world every now and then, and move from different hotels.

    Nicky: Yeah, how do you deal with that? Does she travel with you? I assume she’s very busy with her job as well, being a scientist is not an easy one.

    Max: Precisely. She doesn’t really travel with me, and I don’t think she should travel with me, cause she has her own career.

    Andre: But how often do you see each other? I know you’ve been pretty busy in the past few years.

    Max: Every one to two month? Both me and her, we have not settled down yet. I’m thinking of moving back to the stage in a few years, and she’ll finish her doctoral study in one or two years. But now,  we have long-distance relationship most of the time. She’s actually based in LA, that’s also the reason why I’m here recently. But please cut this part out, I don’t wanna share any of her information to the public.

    Nicky: Of course. So she’s here in LA now? Why don’t you invite her for dinner?

    Max: Sure, I can call her, but I’m not sure if she has time today.

    Andre: Come on, Max!

    Nicky: Honestly, I didn’t expect that you’ll do long-distance.

    Max: Why? Do I not look like a long-distance person?

    Andre: Definitely not, Max.

    Max: Well, that’s true, but I just feel that I don’t wanna miss her. She caught my eye when I first met her, but it took me so long to start dating with her, cause I’ve been truly thinking whether I shall move on with her. You see, we are in such different industries, and we have long distance, it’s not easy for me to decide.

    Nicky: So what have been the final click that pushed you to make this decision?

    Max: Every time when I thought of giving up on this relationship, I mean before we got together, I felt so bad that I cannot even sleep and work. It’s hard to find someone who knows me, trusts me, and supports me all the time, and I feel my heart beating for her. We both know this is not a perfect timing, neither for me nor for her, but we still decided to be together, cause we know our feelings about each other, and we both think that we shall regret if we don’t do so.

    Andre: What a romantic lovely story, Max! I’m really happy for you, truly!

    Nicky: I can’t wait to see this lucky girl!

    Max: No, I’m the lucky one.



    晚餐除了Andre和他未婚妻Marina,段艺泽和Nicky,还有Hollinger podcast的御用摄影师Benedict和他太太Juliana以及Josh。



    “Sheila, this is so unbelievable! I confirmed with Andre three four times when he told me that Max was gonna bring his girlfriend here.(Sheila,Andre告诉我Max今天会带女朋友过来的时候我反复确认了三四遍,太难以置信了!)”Marina记得上一次见段艺泽的时候他还絮絮叨叨地说着自己想要在三十五岁之前结婚。

    “Thank you for inviting me. I must apologize, it was my bad, I asked Max to keep it a secret. I don’t want to be exposed to the public and media, as I’m not into this industry indeed, but I didn’t realize that he didn’t even tell his friends.(谢谢你们今天邀请我。我得向你们道歉,是我的问题,我让Max不要曝光我们的关系,因为我不想被暴露在公众和媒体面前,毕竟我不是这个圈子里的人,不过我没想到他连朋友都没有告诉。)”

    “Nice to see you again, Sheila. I was also shocked when Max told me to pick up a friend in the airport last year.(Sheila,很高兴再次见到你。去年Max让我帮忙去机场接个朋友的时候我也很震惊。)”

    “So you met each other before?(所以你们之前见过?)”

    “We did. I think that was when me and Max just got together.(是的,应该是我和Max刚在一起的时候。)”

    “Max really cares about you. I was waiting in the airport and he kept messaging me and calling me, and that was midnight in Beijing by then. I never saw him like that.(Max很在乎你,我从来没见他这副模样。我当时在机场等的时候他一直给我发消息打电话,当时北京时间已经是凌晨了。)”


    “I guess we are gonna lose our party king, Max? What a pity!(看来以后我们没有机会再和夜店小王子一起蹦迪了啊?真是可惜呢!)”Andre看热闹不嫌事儿大。

    “Andre, you still go to night club.(Andre,你现在不也常去夜店?)”段艺泽立马不满地反驳,随后又讨好地看着尹书荷,“Babe, can I?”


    “Honestly, Sheila. Can we still have Max in the night club in the future?(说实话,Sheila,我们以后还能在夜店看到Max吗?)”Nicky不死心地又问了一遍,他可不相信Max真的会“改邪归正”。

    “You’ll see both me and him.(你们可能会看到我们一起出现在夜店。)”尹书荷半开玩笑,她虽然不像段艺泽这般热衷,但偶尔也是会和朋友一起去的。

    “Really? You scientists go to night club as well?(真的吗?你们科学家也蹦迪?)”一直默不作声的Juliana忍不住开口。她原本很疑惑Max怎么会喜欢又无趣又呆板的科学家,不过显然是她狭隘了。尹书荷会是个很有意思的女生,她的气质谈吐和无趣呆板完全不沾边。恰恰相反,她在面对他们所有人时都坦然自如游刃有余,与人交谈也恰到好处,没有太过谄媚地亲近也没有太过鲁莽的疏离。难怪段艺泽会喜欢她,这样的女孩很难让人不喜欢。

    “Hahahaha…we are human beings! I’m not from the last century.(哈哈哈,科学家也是人啊,我又不是从上个世纪来的老古董。)”尹书荷倒不觉得冒犯,这个社会对女博士女科学家似乎有太深的误解,她们被贴上了太多标签。

    “So what do you study and what do you do in your daily life? I’m so curious about that! That must be very different from ours!(所以你到底是研究什么的啊?我对你太好奇了!你平时都做什么呀?应该跟我们很不一样吧?)”Juliana这会儿话明显变多了,她发现尹书荷是个很健谈的对象,和她聊天很放松。

    “I’m studying for my doctoral degree in neurosciences, but those are just clinical studies. I don’t do surgeries. Most of the time, I stay in the lab and do experiments, and sometimes also analyzing data and writing manuscripts.(我在攻读神经科学的博士,但我只做临床研究,不上手术。我平时大部分时间都在实验室做实验,偶尔也要分析数据和写论文。)”尹书荷耐心地解释,“Sounds boring auh?(听起来很无聊吧?)”

    “No, absolutely not. That’s a very different area and sounds so cool.(当然不会,我觉得很有意思,和我们完全不一样的领域。)”

    “She has a lot of publications online, I’m sure you’ll learn more about her work if you read her papers.(她有很多论文,你可以上网看看。)”段艺泽忽然插嘴,语气里是藏不住的炫耀和说不出的骄傲。

    “How did you know that?(你怎么知道?)”尹书荷显然也很意外,她和段艺泽在一起很少讨论工作,毕竟她的学术论文对外行人来说应该很无聊。

    “There was one time earlier this year, back in Hongkong, you printed all your papers and left them on the desk.(之前在香港的时候,你有次把你的论文都打印出来放在书桌上,我不小心看到的。)”

    “Did you read them?(你读了吗?)”

    “I tried, but I don’t understand a single sentence. Ironically, I knew four five languages but I couldn’t understand anythign even when I translated them into any languages I know. At the end, I just gave up completely.(我尝试了,但没看懂。搞笑的是,我明明会说四五种语言,但这些文章无论翻译成什么语言我都看不懂。)”段艺泽闷闷地说,虽然他很丢人,但他的小姑娘在专业上真的很厉害。


    “Sheila, me and my team, we are actually thinking of launching a new project to shoot a film related to the development of medical research, and the male leader would be working in academia as a scientist for heart disease or neuroscience. Maybe you could become our academic consultant.(Sheila,我和我的团队正在考虑拍一部关于医疗行业发展的电影,或许你可以担当我们的专业顾问。)”Juliana原本不打算在这个朋友聚会上扫兴聊工作,不过她越和尹书荷聊天就越被她吸引,很想把她挖来做学术指导。

    “Oh that’s cool! I truly appreciate for your affirmation and thank you for inviting me, Juliana. It would be my great pleasure to be part of it, but I have to clarify that I’m not an expertise in heart diseases. I can recommend someone else if you finally decide to focus more on heart diseases.(哇,那太棒了!Juliana,谢谢你对我的肯定,也谢谢你邀请我。如果有机会的话,我很愿意加入,不过我对心脏病的了解不算专业,所以如果你最终决定做心脏病的话,我可以推荐其他人给你。)”

    “That would be awesome. Are they as good as you?(他们和你一样优秀吗?)”

    “Hahaha…much more outstanding than me.(哈哈,比我优秀得多。)”

新书推荐: 这只小草神是俺拾的嘞 快穿:社恐宿主她不干了 开局躲神避魔,原来我是大佬啊 逍遥尘世子 这是僵约,你是认真的吗? 致我未曾谋面的青春 破天战尊 消失的天堂?游戏开始! 皇帝宠臣?不,我一身反骨! 扶桑剑心图