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最近更新:2023-08-23 状态:连载中
    Darling, darling, doesnt have a problem,
    Lying to herself cause her liquors top shelf,
    Its alarming honestly how charming she can be,
    Fooling everyone, telling them shes having fun,
    She says, "You dont want to be like me,
    Dont wanna see all the things Ive seen.
    Im dying, Im dying,
    She says, "You dont want to get this way,
    Famous and dumb at an early age.
    Lying, I’m lying,
    The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen,
    She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes,
    She laughs like God, her minds like a diamond,
    Audiotune lies, shes still shining,
    Like lightning, ohh, white lightning,
    Carmen, Carmen, staying up til morning,
    Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean,
    Its alarming truly how disarming you can be,
    ——Lana del rey《Carmen》


最近更新:1970-01-01 08:33:43   直达底部


Chapter23.“欢迎回家,Estela” Chapter22.海上焰火 Chapter21.“到我身边来” Chapter20.钻石猎豹 Chapter19.尊严与王冠 Chapter18.“狭路相逢” Chapter17. Chapter16.阿布拉莫维奇 Chapter15. Chapter14.再次见面 Chapter13.巴塞罗那的新生活 Chapter12.“母亲的红裙子”
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