笔趣阁 > 都市言情 > Angelato岛留学踩雷日记 > [告示1][告示2][告示3]




    ///// 【Virus& Symptoms】/ /////

    Here presents the name of all known virus names and their corresponding symptoms, ranked from highest to lowest based on the number of infected individuals as a percentage of Angelaton total population以下是目前全部已知的病毒名称以及相应感染症状,按感染人数占本国国民人数比例由大到小排列:

    1.Fifteen-Minute Madness Virus (FMMV)

    十五分钟疯狂病毒  94.3%

    Symptoms: Sudden extreme impulsivity, loss of rationality and self-control, hallucinations, acute anxiety, short-term memory loss.突然出现极端冲动,失去理智和自我控制能力,幻觉,急性焦虑,短时记忆丧失。

    2. Instant Freeze Virus (IFV)

    瞬间冷冻病毒 37.0%

    Symptoms: Infected individuals are instantly frozen into ice, lose vital signs, and then thaw out in a few days.感染者在几秒内身体结冰成冰块,失去生命体征,几天内恢复正常。

    3. Rapid Growth Virus (RGV)

    超速生长病毒  12.5%

    Symptoms: Body tissues rapidly grow in an extremely short time, leading to abnormal elongation or swelling of limbs.身体组织在极短的时间内快速生长,导致肢体异常变长或肿胀。

    4. Iris Burst Virus (IBV)

    虹彩喷发病毒  2.4%

    Symptoms: The iris rapidly expands, leading to vision loss, which gradually recovers.虹膜迅速放大,失去视力,然后视力逐渐恢复。

    5. Light Infection Virus (LIV)

    光线感染病毒  1.3%

    Symptoms: The body emits a bright light and body temperature reaches 158°F /70°C , causing extreme sensitivity and discomfort.身体散发明亮光芒,体表温度上升至158华氏度/70摄氏度,感到极度敏感和不适。


    [If you have any other unusual symptoms besides the ones mentioned above, please contact the hospital\'s emergency department immediately.如果您出现除了上述症状之外的其他症状,请第一时间联系本医院紧急事件处理部门 ]



    ///// 【Self-Defense Measures & Recommendations】/ /////

    1.Residents can obtain a gun from the city government with their identification card. Each person is allowed to receive only one.Overclaim will result in penalties.居民可凭借身份证前往市政府领取手枪,一人仅可领取一把,如有多领将遭到处分。

    2.Each person can come to hospital for supplies only once per week.(Supplies include 10 anesthetic bullets and 10 vitamins)Overclaim will result in penalties.每周每人仅可领取一次物资。(物资包含10颗麻醉子弹和10颗维生素)如有多领将遭到处分

    3.If you are attacked by infected individuals, it is recommended to avoid firing a gun unless necessary because \"15 minutes is not a very long time.\"如果遭到患者袭击,建议非必要不开枪,因为“15分钟并没有很长”。

    4.Harming or killing individuals in a diseased state does not incur legal liability.伤害或杀死发病状态的患者,无需承担法律责任。


    [Please maintain a healthy lifestyle and take vitamins in time to enhance immunity. Individuals with strong immunity have a lower frequency of outbreaks. 请大家保持健康生活习惯,并及时服用维生素,增强免疫力。免疫力强的个体更不容易症状发作 ]


    ///// 【Rules & Statement】/ /////

    Dear Community Residents,

    Here are our important hospital rules and statement:



    1. Research shows that people with lower immunity are at higher risk for symptoms.

    2. Individuals aged 60 and above may voluntarily choose whether to enter the hospital.


    3. Children aged 10 and below will be required to enter the hospital. If you encounter children aged 10 and below outside the hospital, please contact us immediately. 10岁以下的孩童将被强制送入医院。如果您在医院外发现10岁以下的孩童,请务必立即联系本医院。

    4. The hospitalization fee standards are below: first-class ward 2000 Anc per week, second-class ward 1000 Anc per week, third-class ward 500 Anc per week, and no charges for general wards.”住院收费标准:一级病房2000安克/周,二级病房1000安克/每周,三级病房500安克/周,普通病房无需付费。

    5. When the ward alert lights flash, please promptly leave the room to avoid disrupting patient treatments. 当病房警示灯闪烁,请陪护人员迅速离开,避免干扰患者治疗


    [Hospital is not only for treatment



    更是为了保护您所爱的人免受伤害 ]



    “Anesthetic bullets and vitamins?”麦蓝想起第一张告示里的内容。




    “According to regulations, you typically need to present your identity card or passport to obtain a gun from the government. I thought they might be hesitant to provide a gun to someone with an Eastasia nationality….. just like you. So, I asked one just now through my own ID card.”

    没想到杰西卡居然主动为她领了枪,麦蓝有些感动,“thanks, but how did you do that?”

    “Because I have privileges.”杰西卡耸耸肩,“My dad is the Secretary of State.”





新书推荐: 这只小草神是俺拾的嘞 快穿:社恐宿主她不干了 开局躲神避魔,原来我是大佬啊 逍遥尘世子 这是僵约,你是认真的吗? 致我未曾谋面的青春 破天战尊 消失的天堂?游戏开始! 皇帝宠臣?不,我一身反骨! 扶桑剑心图