笔趣阁 > 都市言情 > Angelato岛留学踩雷日记 > 【雷点6】被室友偷东西


    “Do you think people from Eastasia are easy to bully? Who do you think you are? You said you are richer than me so why did you steal my necklace? Huh? Just a moment ago I was thinking of ending it all but now I\'ve decided that I want you to die with me! Bitch!”


    “Give me back my necklace! Asshole!”麦蓝已经走火入魔了,所有怨气化成了拳头,“why did you steal my necklace? My necklace!”

    被麦蓝骑在地上的杰西卡毫不客气一拳头挥回去,怒气冲冲吼道:“What’s wrong with you? I didn\'t steal your necklace! I swear!”


    “Calm down!Were you about to jump from the window just now? …with one foot out? What happened to you? Hey,say something!”



    麦蓝难过得什么话都说不出来,坐在沙发上一个人安静了一会儿,而杰西卡自顾自去厨房做饭,当然只做了自己那份。“I won\'t make dinner for you anymore cuz you used a lot of strength when you hit me just now, so I assume you\'ve already eaten your fill.”


    “You know what, you are really strong in a fight.”

    “Thank you.”麦蓝勉强回答一下。

    “Look,I feel so sorry to hear that your necklace is lost, but I assure you that I did not steal it.”杰西卡放下餐具,盯着麦蓝认真地说,“I never steal things.”


    杰西卡好奇地接过,仔细端详了一番:“Wait wait…wait, this is not the necklace you had before, isn’ it?”


    “So, someone replaced your necklace with a fake one while you were away?”杰西卡瞪大眼睛,“It\'s such a pity. Your previous gemstone necklace was a top-tier luxury edition, with only 10 in the world. My mom had one too when she was young, before she married into the Taylor family. However due to the need for liquid funds for business, the necklace was sold off a few years ago. This is the most perfect sapphire I have ever seen and I still remember its name, the Azure Majesty…”

    她提到自己的妈妈结婚前也有这么一条,但后来因为生意周转被当掉了,否则她现在就能将它戴在脖子上……尽管杰西卡很喜欢这条“海蓝至上”,但绝对不会去偷。其实麦蓝看得出她手头很宽裕,即使现在外面肉眼可见的经济萧条,一身行头虽说有点旧,但价格不菲。以及她身上具有一种十分典型的富家mean girl气质,说话时嘴唇微微撅起,白眼若有若无,腔调也带有一缕说不出的阴阳怪气。

    “Well…I think you can ask Charlotte about this necklace…”杰西卡露出轻蔑的笑,起身收拾餐桌,“I’ve told you before she is a thief.”


    杰西卡跪在冰箱前,一边整理食物一边说,“She has stolen quite a few things from me over the years ….like,cash,jewerly,clothes,shoes,even stationery? So strange, huh…. but I\'ve turned a blind eye to it, always.”



    “Cuz I love her.”







    “No milk.”她耸耸肩,将桌上空荡荡的玻璃杯也放回柜子里去,“must have been taken by her as well.”

    麦蓝还是没有反应过来,愣愣问:“Why?I mean ,why she even took the food?Does she….”

    “Poor…. just as simple as that.”杰西卡摊摊手,苦笑了一下。


    “We used to be rich, all of us.”杰西卡叹了口气,“Do you know how rich the Angelato was?About three years ago?”


    “Three years ago, Angelato was the richest island in the world, with almost no poverty in our country. All citizens lived a decent and happy life.... Look at LuminaHarbor at that time. Cuz the opening ceremony coincidentally fell on my birthday, so the cruise company prepared a big birthday banquet for me free of charge.That’s my happiest night of my life.”




    “20X5 Wansacity Olympic Games?”

    “Yes.” 杰西卡点点头,满眼都是怀念,“It was also on that day that I met Charlotte…”

    “And then?”

    “Then we fell in love, planned to go to University of Wansacity together, and moved into the same apartment. But a month later, the Toxic Wave happened.”


    “Hey,girl, I\'m not blaming you, why you look so upset?”杰西卡忍不住皱眉。

    “I\'m ummm……just feel a bit tired,so…. I\'ll go to bed now. Goodnight, Jessica.”麦蓝从沙发上站起来,快步走进自己的卧室,关门前犹豫很久,小声说了一句,“Sorry Jessica and….thank you, Jessica.”

    “Fine.Good night.”杰西卡皱皱鼻头,回归原有的吝啬表情。

    麦蓝回到卧室,心里琢磨了一会儿“Toxic Wave”,刚准备在手机上搜搜看,结果又无意看见所有消息爸妈都是已读不回,伤心得泪流满面,倒头就睡。



    麦蓝摸了摸后脑勺,搞不懂这个mean girl为什么突然献殷勤,但下一秒就想起来了:

    “Hey….morning Millie,and I\'d like to know if you can help me with a favor? Could you refrain from blaming Charlotte, just... not mention anything, like me?\"”

    杰西卡语气柔和又诚恳,开始给麦蓝洗脑:“Just like Charlotte and I didn\'t blame your Eastasia nationality. Please, take care of her self-esteem cuz she\'s going through a tough time....Okay? Be generous, please.\"”

    麦蓝直接呆住,气到大脑宕机好几秒才反驳:“Yes, but…I’m not a charity.”

    “I know it\'s hard to accept but please don\'t directly blame her…”

    “What’s wrong with you?I mean the cash and that gemstone necklace together are worth over a hundred thousand.It’s huge!!!”麦蓝气到浑身发抖,杰西卡居然要求她对于偷盗一事不闻不问,只是为了照顾夏洛蒂的自尊,简直离谱到上天。

    “Yep but…”

    “Listen, I\'m sorry for mistaking you as a thief and assaulting you yesterday, but that doesn\'t mean I can just let her steal my things for nothing.That’s too stupid. Besides, it\'s you who likes her, not me.”

    杰西卡瞪大眼睛,摊开手,“Hey you misunderstood me I mean I’ll persuade Charlotte to have her return both the money and the necklace to you.I just need you keep slient.”


    “Please don\'t hurt her self-esteem, I beg you, Millie.”

    “It\'s her own actions that have hurt her self-esteem.”

    麦蓝感到无语至极,可目光瞥见桌上的春卷配辣椒酱,长叹一声,接受杰西卡的请求。她拾起叉子,戳进春卷,裹上辣酱,送入口子……行吧,不算难吃。杰西卡得意地说:“tastes good?”


    “Well,I ‘m going to meet Charlotte,”杰西卡站起身,“go with me?”

    “Where is she now?”


新书推荐: 这只小草神是俺拾的嘞 快穿:社恐宿主她不干了 开局躲神避魔,原来我是大佬啊 逍遥尘世子 这是僵约,你是认真的吗? 致我未曾谋面的青春 破天战尊 消失的天堂?游戏开始! 皇帝宠臣?不,我一身反骨! 扶桑剑心图