第 8 章






    “通常伦敦风很大吗?”Is London usually windy?   边说玛格丽特边用手压着帽子。


    No, we're so unlucky that we have to go find that guy from Lested today


    I don't think he wants to see you either


    Yes, but there's no way he's too stupid. Without me, he can't do it


    You're not being kind, are you? Inspector Lestride would be very sad if he knew you said that to him


    Hmph! Who cares about that guy? Every time I see that kind of look in my eyes... I haven't said anything yet! Margaret, how could you stand on that guy's side! You don't have a place to live yet without me!


    You can't think of me like that, Sherlock. I have always been steadfastly on your side



    “Sherlock! Slow down! Sherlock!” 玛格丽特用左手稍提裙摆一边,便连忙追了上去


    Sherlock, you're walking so fast, which doesn't conform to the character of a gentleman


    Margaret, you should have known from the first time we met that I am different from that guy McCroft. I cannot package myself as a gentleman for a long time


    Arrived at Sherlock, if you want to walk with me in the future, it's better to be quiet



    Oh! Sherlock is sorry to have you come over in this weather. It was not originally necessary, but we found Mrs. Heidi Duran's clothes... in the lake

新书推荐: 这只小草神是俺拾的嘞 快穿:社恐宿主她不干了 开局躲神避魔,原来我是大佬啊 逍遥尘世子 这是僵约,你是认真的吗? 致我未曾谋面的青春 破天战尊 消失的天堂?游戏开始! 皇帝宠臣?不,我一身反骨! 扶桑剑心图